perfect pair

Biografia Biography

per F. Nogués - by F. Nogués

L'any 1992 vaig iniciar una relació musical amb el meu cosí Eduard Maluquer que va donar lloc a la creació del grup Electro Leprosilla. Poc després vam incloure el baixista Roger Tor i el bateria Alex Ojea. Aquesta banda va enregistrar una maqueta primitiva i va fer algun concert en directe, destacant les quatre nits a l'Eixample Jazz Club de Barcelona el maig del 1993. Tot seguit vam tornar a assajar plegats però la formació es va dissoldre. Roger Tor és un baixista molt intuïtiu i melòdic amb qui va ser un plaer tocar i de qui vam perdre la pista. Alex Ojea va iniciar classes a càrrec del bateria Salvador Niebla i actualment és un dels grans bateries del nostre país (llàstima que no s'hi dedica seriosament).

L'any 1996 el meu cosí i jo vam decidir de convidar el baixista Eduard Masllorenç i el bateria Joan Vinyals a unir-se a la banda. L'estil d'aquesta secció rítmica era molt diferent de l'anterior, especialment per part del bateria provinent del grup de heavy metal Butter Brain. Vam iniciar una sèrie d'assaigs al local del meu cosí i base d'operacions de la banda, la Carbonera. Amb aquesta formació vam començar la difícil tasca de cercar sales on tocar a la zona de Barcelona, culminant amb el concert del 31 de març del 2000 a The Guitar Player Club de L'Hospitalet (Barcelona). Prèviament havíem decidit canviar el nom de la banda a PERFECT PAIR (una decisió que volíem prendre des de feia temps), però l'actuació al Guitar Player Club encara la vam haver de fer amb l'antic nom. El meu trasllat a Eivissa, juntament amb els projectes personals, acadèmics i laborals dels altres membres, van minvar el ritme de treball del grup des del 1999. El juliol del 2001 vam ser convidats, gairebé per sorpresa, a participar al concurs de maquetes del festival Senglar Rock. El nostre bateria, Joan Vinyals, va entrar a formar part del grup Alliance, amb qui va enregistrar el seu primer disc (que no ha estat publicat), i posteriorment també ho va fer l'Eduard Maluquer. Posteriorment, Perfect Pair travessà una etapa d'inactivitat però el meu cosí i jo seguíem enregistrant material nou de tant en tant. També vaig formar a Eivissa una banda de blues anomenada Illinois Central, que va enregistrar un CD i va tocar regularment en directe fins a l'estiu del 2003. A finals del 2005 van decidir reunir la banda i començar a assajar per tornar a fer un concert, per pura diversió.

In 1992 I started a musical relationship with my cousin Eduard Maluquer. This was the beginning of the band Electro Leprosilla. Soon after that, bassist Roger Tor and drummer Alex Ojea joined the band. We recorded a primitive demo tape and did some concerts, ending with four nights at the Eixample Jazz Club (Barcelona) in may 1993. We started rehearshals but the group disbanded. Roger Tor was a very melodic bassist, a pleasure to play with, but we lost contact with him. Alex Ojea started taking lessons with drummer Salvador Niebla, and has become one of the best drummers in our country (it's a shame that he does not take drums pro). In 1996 we decided to invite bassist Eduard Masllorenç and drummer Joan Vinyals to join the second incarnation of Electro Leprosilla. This rhythm section was very different from the previous one, Vinyals being former member of heavy metal band Butter Brain. We started playing at my cousin's rehearsal room, the Carbonera, our headquarters. Then we started to search for appropiate venues in the area of Barcelona, not an easy thing to find. This reached a high point in March the 31st 2000, when we played at The Guitar Player Club in L'Hospitalet (Barcelona). Prior to that, we decided to change the band's name (a decision we wanted to do since a long time ago), to PERFECT PAIR, but we had been booked as Electro Leprosilla for The Guitar Player Club show. My decision of moving to Eivissa, along with the academic, personal and working aspects of the other bandmembers' lives, reduced the intensity of the band's activity from 1999 on. In July 2001 we were invited, almost by surprise, to take part on the demos contest called Sona 9 and play live as part of the Senglar Rock open air festival. Our drummer, Joan Vinyals, decided to join the band Alliance and recorded their first CD, that remained unpublished. A few monts later, my cousin Eduard Maluquer also joined Alliance as second guitar. At this moment, Perfect Pair reached an absence of activity period but my cousin and me went on recording new material from time to time . I formed a blues band in Eivissa called Illinois Central, we recorded a CD and played live regularly until summer 2003. In late 2005 we planned a reunion: a series of rehearsals ending up with a concert, just for fun.

Qui creiem que som - Who do we think we are

El repertori de la banda són composicions pròpies i versions de Deep Purple (Love Child, Perfect Strangers, Mitzi Dupree), Rainbow (Man On The Silver Mountain, Kill The King), Thin Lizzy (Jailbreak, Cold Sweat), Ten Years After (Let's Shake It Up, Bad Blood), i Venom (Witching Hour), entre d'altres. Això reflexa només parcialment els gustos musicals de la banda, atès que jo també sóc un gran admirador de, per exemple, King Crimson i Frank Zappa, i el meu cosí ho és de Dream Theater i Helloween.

The band's repertoire is based on our compositions and covers of Deep Purple (Love Child, Perfect Strangers, Mitzi Dupree), Rainbow (Man On The Silver Mountain, Kill The King), Thin Lizzy (Jailbreak, Cold Sweat), Ten Years After (Let's Shake It Up, Bad Blood), and Venom (Witching Hour), to name a few. This reflects only some of the musical tastes in the band, since I'm also a great fan of King Crimson and Frank Zappa, to name only two, and my cousin likes bands such as Dream Theter and Helloween.

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